The JPK Nano Wizard AFM is a cutting-edge tool for high-resolution surface characterization at the nanometer scale, ideal for advanced research in agriculture, food science, and environmental studies. It offers precise measurements of mechanical properties, including indentation mapping, adhesion force, and elasticity mapping, allowing detailed analysis of surface hardness, stiffness, and viscoelasticity.This AFM enables quantitative imaging of biological systems like plant tissues, soil particles, and food surfaces under various conditions, providing insights into molecular interactions such as protein binding and nanomechanical properties. It supports real-time molecular imaging and time-lapse studies, making it invaluable for researching environmental stress impacts and developing nanocoatings for food preservation and plant protection.
Core Facility of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment | Site
Core Facility of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Orit Gal
- oritg@savion.huji.ac.il