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HUJI Research Core Facilities
HUJI Research Infrastructure
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The Experts
Edmond J. Safra
Ein Kerem
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Life Sciences Institute Core Facility
Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
School of Pharmacy Core Facility
Bio-Medicine Research Core Facility
Core Facility of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Barry Skolnick Biosafety Level 3 Unit
Expertise Centers of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
Chemistry Core Facility
The Peter Brojde Center for Innovative Engineering and Computer Science
Bioinformatics Unit
The Protein Expression Facility
The Protein Purification Facility
The National Genetically Engineered Mouse Models (GEMM) Unit
Triple Quad MS ( hour or 6 samples)
Triple Quad MS - Result Analysis
Unguided Analysis FACS Imager
Guidance and Consultation on FACS Sorter
Thermal Evaporator
Safety Training Course
Memmert Oven
Guidance for CellStrem
Pan for DSC
Bio-Imager - Newton 7
Plate only- for SeaHorse
Cartridge-FluxPack (sensor) for SeaHorse
Guidance and Consultation on Imager
DNA - Sanger - 32
Charge for industrial factor adjustment.
HR TEM Talos F200i
CO2 for 3th floor
liquid nitrogen use
UNC - FIB analyses per hour
Thunder Nova 24-CO2 laser cutter
Prusa XL- 5 tools FFF 3D printer
UNF - Wafer Sapphire 3" 430um SSP
3d-FDM-print time
UNF - Analyses per hour
Prusa MK4- FFF 3D printer
UNF - 100 units Blue shoe cover
UNF - Process development PECVD silicone
DLS - Zetasizer Advance Series
NMR-500 old
NMR-500 Bruker
Electron Microscopy TEM Services
FV 1200 Confocal
UNF - Shipping Box for Chips Gel Pak - Only for Shlomi Kotler Lab
UNF - Lithography mask
UNF - Shipping Box for Chips Gel Pak
LCMS acquisition
Data Analysis
Spinning Disk Confocal 2
NovaSeq S1-100
NovaSeq SP-100
High Resolution MS
Biocomp tube
XPN-80 Ultracentrifuge
Image Processing Station 6
General Bsl2
Cytation 5
Octet BSL2
384 Real-Time PCR plate + seal
Phaseview Alpha 3 Light Sheet Microscope
Tissue Clearing Buffer
SEM- Project submission
TEM-Project submission
SEM Quanta 200
Benchtop SEM
Cytoflex Facs Analyser
Image Processing Station 5
QS5 RealTime PCR (384 Wells)
QS5 RealTime PCR (96 wells)
Quant, label free / complex mixt/ 4 treat / depl. / 4 runs
CytoFLEX Analyzer
Robotic DNA extraction
Airyscan- Zeiss LSM 980
Quant, label free / simple mix / 4 enzymes / 2 runs
Quant., label free/ complex mix / 2 treat / dep / 2 runs
Sony SH800 Cell Sorter
DNA hyper
Bioinformatics analysis 100h rate
Quant., label free/ complex mix/ 2 treat /no depl./ 2 runs
Quant, label free/ complex mix/ 3 treat / 2 short 1 - long
Quant, label free / complex mixt/ 3 treat / depl. / 3 runs
Quant, label free / complex mix / 3 treat/ no depl/ 3 runs
Quant label free / complex mix/ depletion
Proteomic Mass analysis
Quant., label free/ complex mix / 3 treat / depletion
Protein identif. / sample preparation / no LC-MS/MS
NextSeq 300 cycles Mid
Proteomics -addition of an N term modification
Big Ultracentrifuge tubes
8-chamber slide-TEM
NextSeq 300 cycles high
Proteomics - Specific modification analysis
Quant, label free/ simple mixture
Quantitative, label free analysis / complex mixture
Protein identification / complex mixture
X-Clarity Mounting Solution (ml)
IncuCyte 96 Well ImageLock plates
Hydrogel Solution Kit (ml)
Stickers for entrance
Pooling libraries
96 Real-Time PCR plate + seal
Miseq 600 cycles
Bioinformatic Project
Teaching Light Microscopy
Teaching EM
Bioinformatic Analysis / hour
Micro-CT Inst
Teaching General CRF
10X Genomics
Cuvettes for Nepagene
New Equipment
Ultracentrifuges Inst
Confocal Teaching
Plate Reader Microscope
Nikon Confocal A1R+
ddPCR consumables
SeaHorse Efflux kit
Manual Beads Purification
Electroporator- Nepa21
SPRI beads
Cryostat CM1950
Tecan Spark
Qubit® RNA HS
Qubit dsDNA HS
Spectrometers and Imagers
NextSeq 150 cycles Mid
General Tzabam
Optimax TL small Centrifuge
Radioactivity counter 2016
Tape Station DNA 5000
Hamilton Bead Purification
General-Liquid Handling
General-EM (SEM)
General-light microscopy
NextSeq 150 cycles High
Covaris microTUBE
NextSeq run
NextSeq 75 cycles High
FCS Express - WEB
HPLC Usage
Tape-Station RNA Nano
Tape-Station RNA High Sensitivity
Tape-Station DNA High Sensitivity
Tape-Station - DNA D1000
Tape Station DNA genomic
Library preparation
Covaris milliTUBE 1ml
ddPCR plate + sealer
ddPCR mix
Seq library-Adapter ligation
Chromatographs - Protocol development
Miseq 150 cycles (V3)
RNA-SEQ project
TapeStation DNA High Sens
TapeStation DNA 1000
TapeStation RNA High Sens
TapeStation RNA nano
Dry Ice
Nikon - Time lapse
Light Microscopy and Imaging
DNA/RNA Analysis
Electron Microscopy
Flow Cytometry
SEM unassisted
Nextera flex
Miseq NANO 500 cycles
Miseq NANO 300 cycles
Miseq MICRO 300 cycles
Miseq 500 cycles
Miseq 300 cycles
Miseq 50 cycles
Developing Payment Card (50 units)
Miseq Run
Agilent Bioanalyzer (Pico)
Agilent Bioanalyzer (DNA High Sen)
Tubes TL-100 (tube)
Liquid Nitrogen (liter)
Lyophilizers (kolba)
SEM assisted -Ezra
Proteomics - LC-MS/injection
Protein identification / simple mixture
Proteomics - Reducrion Alkilation
Proteomics - MS+MSMS
Proteomics - Desalting
SEM Cryo
Gold sputtering
CPD (assisted only)
SEM sample preparation
SEM assisted
Microtom unassisted
Grid uncoated
Grid coated
Microtom assisted
TEM-Sample preparation
TEM unassisted
TEM assisted
Proteomics - MS-Orbitrap
Proteomics - MS-MALDI
FACS - כוח אדם
Micro Well Plate (plate)
Micro-CT Tape (tape)
Scaning + Image Analysis
Agilent Bioanalyzer (Nano)
Test Offline Service
FACS - Aria III (A) - Sorter
TEM JEM-1400
Spinning Disk Confocal 1
Image Processing Station 4
Liquid Nitrogen
Nikon Confocal A1R
LSR-Fortessa Analyzer
Electroporator Nepa21
Cryostat CM1950 N°2 - New
Multiphoton Nikon
Tecan Spark 10M
Fusion Solo
Bio-Rad QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR™) System
Digital PCR
Hamilton Liquid Handling Robot
Workstation FlowJo/FCS Express
SeaHorse XFe96
Aria III Sorter
FACS - Aria III UPG Sorter
Ultra-centrifuge 3
Ultra-centrifuge 2 (#5020)
Cryostat CM1950 N°1
StepOnePlus RealTimePCR
NanoDrop Eight
Sutter P-1000 Horizontal Puller
Nikon Confocal Analysis
Nikon Confocal Microscope
Autoclave D+L
Agri- Capsules for cell preparation for TEM
Agri-copper grids
Beta Counter
Agri - Formaldehyde
UNF - Clean Room Chip Return
UNF - Clean Room Chip
UNF - Wafer Si 4" + 5000Å Thermal Oxide
Embedding machine, Parafin
bullet blender
NanoDrop One Microvolume UV-Vis
Chemistry - TQUAD Independent sample run- HUJI
Chemistry - MALDI training-HUJI Universities
Chemistry - GCMS Method Development HUJI External
Chemistry - GCMS analysis ( 2 samples or hour) - UniversitiesExternal
Chemistry - HRLCMS Method Development External
Chemistry - HRLCMS Method Development Universities
Chemistry - HRLCMS Result Analysis External
Chemistry - HRLCMS Result Analysis Universities
Chemistry - HRLCMS Analysis External
Chemistry - HRLCMS Analysis Universities
Chemistry - HRMS Analysis External - 5 samples
Chemistry - HRMS Analysis Universities - 5 samples
Chemistry - HRMS Analysis External
Chemistry - HRMS Analysis Universities
Chemistry - TQuad MS/LCMS Training HUJI Universities
Chemistry - TQUAD LCMS method development External
Chemistry - TQUAD LCMS method development Universities
Chemistry - TQUAD LCMS Results Analysis External
Chemistry - TQUAD LCMS Results Analysis Universities
Chemistry - TQUAD LCMS - Analysis -External
Chemistry - TQUAD LCMS - Analysis Universities
Chemistry -TQUAD MS- Analysis External- 4-6 samples
Chemistry -TQUAD MS- Analysis Universities - 4-6 samples
Chemistry - TQUAD MS - Analysis External
Chemistry - TQUAD MS - Analysis Universities
Chemistry - GCMS Training Universities
Chemistry - GCMS Method Development HUJI Universities
Chemistry - S Analysis -Universities
Chemistry - HRLCMS Method Development HUJI
Chemistry - HRLCMS Result Analysis HUJI
Chemistry - HRLCMS Analysis HUJI
Chemistry - HRMS Analysis HUJI - 5 samples
Chemistry - HRMS Analysis HUJI
Chemistry - TQuad MS/LCMS Training HUJI
Chemistry - TQUAD LCMS method development HUJI
Chemistry - TQUAD LCMS Results Analysis HUJI
Chemistry - TQUAD LCMS - Analysis HUJI
Chemistry -TQUAD MS- Analysis HUJI- 4-6 samples
Chemistry - TQUAD MS - Analysis HUJI
Chemistry - GCMS Method Development HUJI
Triple Quad LCMS
UNF - N2 gas refill
Zeta Sizer- NEW
Flow Cytometer - Spectral - Aurora -Cytek
Real Time PCR- Azure Cielo
Real Time PCR 4 floor
PCR BioRad
Biohazard autoclave
Agri-3D Print SLA-Model_min_fee
Agri-3D Print SLA-Model_by_weight
Agri - Sample preparation 50
Centrifuge eppendorf 5910
Bio-Imaging - EM- 8 chamber permanox slide -107
Bio-Imaging - EM- 8 chamber permanox slide -91
UNF - Wafer Si, 8" + 0.5 um SiO2, Both sides
Bio-imaging-EM-Glutaraldehyde ampule 150
Image Analysis Workstation
Equipment autoclave
Fluorescent microscope
Ultra Centrifuge Vile (1.5ml)
AGRI - Karnovsky fixative
DNA - Sanger - General
Litho Table Hot Plate
Sample weighing service
Confocal microscope in IBOR
Real Time PCR
TECAN Plate Reader
Gel Imaging DNR
New ITC - TA
Calibration curve
Lyophilizer Epsilon 2-4LSC - Christ -3
DNA - SANGER - 24.4
ELSC - product design
ELSC - CNC programming/operating
ELSC - SLA printing (Formlabs)
Bio-Imaging - EM- Negative staining - 240
Bio-Imaging - EM- Negative staining - 340
Bio-Imaging - EM- Negative staining - 170
Bio-Imaging - EM- Grids (coated: c/f or carbon only) - 22.5
Bio-Imaging - EM- Grids (coated: c/f or carbon only) - 32
Bio-Imaging - EM- Grids (coated: c/f )-16
Bio-Imaging - EM- Grids (uncoated) - 7.5
Bio-Imaging - EM- Grids (uncoated) - 10.6
Bio-Imaging - EM- Grids (uncoated) - 5.3
Bio-Imaging - EM- TEM-Tecnai12 viewing - 360
Bio-Imaging - EM- TEM-Tecnai12 viewing - 510
Bio-Imaging - EM- TEM-Tecnai12 viewing - 255
Bio-Imaging - EM- Sectioning - 240
Bio-Imaging - EM- Sectioning - 340
Bio-Imaging - EM- Sectioning - 170
Bio-Imaging - EM- Sample processing - 240
Bio-Imaging - EM- Sample processing - 340
Bio-Imaging - EM- Sample processing - 170
Bio-Imaging - FV-1200 confocal microscope - 400
Bio-Imaging - FV-1200 confocal microscope - 100 Live
Bio-Imaging - FV-1200 confocal microscope - 30 Live
Bio-Imaging - FV-1200 confocal microscope - 100
ELSC Fablab order
A 1 R confocal microscope (Nikon)
Motorized Fluorescent Microscope
Hermes – high through-put system
IDR - MST(NT115)- Non-standard Vial Kit
Micro-Ultracentrifuge Sorvall Mx120+
Chemistry - MALDI method development -External
Chemistry - MALDI analysis -External
Chemistry - MALDI method development -Universities
Chemistry - MALDI analysis -Universities
Chemistry - MALDI method development -HUJI
Chemistry - MALDI analysis -HUJI
Chemistry - MALDI training-HUJI
Chemistry - GCMS Analysis External
Chemistry - CHN Analysis Liquid -External
Chemistry - CHN Analysis Urgent -External
Chemistry - Cl, Br, S, Analysis -External
Chemistry - O Analysis-External
Chemistry - CHN Analysis- External
Chemistry - CH Analysis External
Chemistry - GCMS analysis ( 2 samples or hour) - Universities
Chemistry - GCMS Analysis Universities
Chemistry - CHN Analysis Liquid -Universities
Chemistry - CHN Analysis Urgent -Universities
Chemistry - Cl, Br Analysis -Universities
Chemistry - O Analysis-Universities
Chemistry - CHN Analysis- Universities
Chemistry - CH Analysis Universities
Chemistry - GCMS Training HUJI
Chemistry - GCMS analysis (2 samples or hour ) -HUJI
Chemistry - GCMS Analysis HUJI
Chemistry - O Analysis- Hebrew University
AGRI-4-16-Leica Stellaris 5 FLIM STED confocal with climate incubator
Chemistry - Cl, Br, S, Analysis -Hebrew University
Chemistry - CH Analysis -Hebrew University
NEW- Chemi Doc Reader MP
AGRI-1-15 DSC- Differential Scanning Calorimeter DSC7000X
AGRI-4-15-Liquid Nitrogen
X-Ray, X-Rad320, Precision
Chemistry - CHN Analysis- Hebrew University
West bond wedge bonder
Levi-Montalcini Confocal Microscope
Lyophilizer Epsilon 2-4LSC - Christ -2
UNF - Nanometer of Pd (evaporating)
Agri-Cryostat (internal user-unassisted)
Agri-TEM - Sample Preparation (internal user-unassisted)
Liquid Nitrogen
Earth Science - Daily Usage
Flow Cytometer IMAGER Analyzer - Merckel
Life Scs - Cartridge-FluxPack (sensor+calibrant) Plate for SeaHorse
Peptide Synthesizer- MultiPEP
Agri-Negative Staining
AJA Ion Milling
DNA - General
Agri - Lyophilizer/hour
UNF-JCE Lab Session
DNA - Qubit
DNA - Affimetrix
DNA - Work
Zero Gravity Simulator
AGRI-4-14-Luxendo Lightsheet
DNA - Bioanalyzer
Earth Science - Kilometers
AGRI-TEM - Sample Preparation
Light Microscope
DNA - Projects
DNA - Fluigigm
AGRI-elemental analyzer + sample preparation
Cryostat - Leica CM1950
UNC - Preparation lab independent
UNC - Preparation lab staff
LifeScs - Proteomics - non-standard samples
Agri - Consumables
SeaHorse XFe-24
DNA - Sanger - 25
AGRI-Moisture test
UNC - THEMIS Analyses per hour
UNC - Analyses per hour
UNC - TEM Copper grid
UNC - STA alumina crucible lid
UNC - STA alumina crucible
UNC - SEM stub standard
UNC - SEM stub cross-sectional
UNC - Polishing Paper 120-2000 grit
UNC - Polishing Cloth Nanocloth
UNC - Liquid Nitrogen - 25 liters
UNC - Liquid Helium - full 30 L dewar
Agri-3D Print FDM-Model_by_weight
Cajal Multi-photon Microscope - 920nm GCaMP
Agri - Sample preparation 150
Circular Dichroism (CD)
UNF - Wafer Borofloat 33 (Pyrex) 3", DSP
Light Sheet Microscope
Entire multi-photon room
Wide-field fluorescence microscope
UNF - Wafer Si, Test Grade, 6"
UNF - 4" Wafer Borofloat 33 (Pyrex) 100mm,University wafers DSP
UNF - Wafer Si, Test Grade, 6",1500A-3000A thermal Oxide
UNF - Wafer GaAs 3",SSP
UNF - Blank mask for laser writer 5"x5"
UNF - Blank mask for laser writer 4"x4"
UNF - 4" Wafer Borofloat 33 (Pyrex) 100mm,Dashro SSP
Agri - Polycarbonate membrane
FACS - Aria III Sorter - BD - NEW
Agri - Silicon Wafer
Lyophilizer Heto Drywinner3 - Heto - 2
UNF - Safety training
General Annealing Furnace
UNF - Nanometer of Pd (sputtering)
UNF - Nanometer of Pt (sputtering)
UNF - Wafer Si, 2", Undoped, SSP, with 25nm SiO2
UNF - Wafer Si, 1", Undoped, SSP, with 25nm SiO2
UNF - 4" Wafer Borofloat 33 (Pyrex) 100mm,University wafers SSP
UNF - Wafer Borofloat 33 (Pyrex) 3", SSP
UNF - Wafer Borofloat 33 (Pyrex) 2", SSP
UNF - Wafer Borofloat 33 (Pyrex) 1", DSP
UNF - Wafer Fused Silica (Quartz) 100mm, SSP
UNF - Wafer Fused Silica (Quartz) 3", SSP
UNF - Wafer Fused Silica (Quartz) 1", SSP
Cell Disruper (Large Volume) - Benchtop 40 KPSI
Spinner2 - Left
Spinner1 - Right
N2 Oven
Chemical Hood
Agri-4-2 Sample
Agri-4-2 Report - איכילוב
Agri- 4-2 - איכילוב בדיקה
IDR - balance services
LifeScs - Metabolomics-High Complexity Sample
LifeScs - Metabolomics-Low Complexity Sample
Agri-3D Print-Design
Agri-3D Print FDM-Model_min_fee
Agri-3D Print-Post-Processing
Agri-Working Day-פקולטה
DNA - Balance from 2020
LifeScs - Proteomics- special sample processing
LifeScs - Proteomics- data analysis
LifeScs - Proteomics- intact protein MW
LifeScs - Proteomics- gel bands
LifeScs - Proteomics-medium complexity sample
LifeScs - Proteomics-high complexity sample
AGRI 4-18 CPD (Critical Point Dryer)
Gel Imager - ChemiDoc - Bio Rad
Not Active Agri -Working with a technician
Agri - Lyophilizer/ day
DNA - Sanger - 42
DNA - Sanger - 40
DNA - Sanger - 38
DNA - Sanger - 23
DNA - Sanger - 30
DNA - Sanger - 36
Agri-HPLC 250
Agri-GCMS 270
DNA - RTG - 20
DNA - Sanger - 28
Agri - Dry Ice
Centrifuge-ROTOFIX 32 A
Centrifuge-Eppendorf 5417 R
AGRI-3-1 ICP-OES - Time
DNA - TS - sample run + reagents
DNA - TS - sample run
IDR - MST(NT115)- Protein Labeling kit
IDR - MST(NT115)- Capillary
IDR - KF- Septum
IDR - KF- Viles
AGRI-1-14 Mastersizer 3000 Malvern
Hirox RH-2000 - High-resolution microscope
Electron Probe Micro analyzer (EPMA) | instrument
AGRI-1-9-TGA Q500 TA
AGRI-1-12-Elemental Analysis of C, H, N, S and O Flash EA 1112
AGRI-1-8-Rheometer PRO+ kinexus rmalvern
AGRI-1-5-TOC and N2 Analyzer-Shimadzu VCPH - Carbon and Nitrogen analyzer
AGRI - round cover slip 0.5mm
IDR- Refractometer
IDR- Monolith NT 115
IDR- Material Testing Machine Lloyd
IDR- Confocal Microscope
IDR- Freeze Drier
IDR- Liquid Nitrogen
IDR- Rheometer
AGRI-1-7-Plate reader The Synergy-2 Multimode Microplate Reader
3D BioPrinter
Autoclave D
Autoclave L
Autoclave Waste
Agri - FACS Tubes (10)
Agri - Image Analysis Training
Agri - Si Chip/ Coated grid
Agri - Microscope slide
Agri - Osmium 4%
Agri - Osmium 2%
Agri - Gluter 8%
Agri - PFA 16%
Agri - FACS PBS 10X
Agri - FACS Tubes packet
Agri - AFM cantilever
Agri - Technician
UNC - Lift-Out Grids - Mo
UNC - Lift-Out Grids - Cu
UNC - Hi-Res
UNC - Gold/Carbon coating
UNC - Diamond Lapping Film 1-30 microns
UNC - CD plus box
UNF - ZEP 520A (ml)
UNF - Wafer Si 8" Prime (Intel)
UNF - Wafer Si 6" Prime
UNF - Wafer Si 4" Type N Highly Doped
UNF - Wafer Si 4" Prime
UNF - Wafer Si 4" Double Side Polished (DSP)
UNF - Wafer Si 4" + 50nm Thermal Oxide (Silicon Valley)
UNF - Wafer Si 4" + 1µm SiO2 both sides
UNF - Wafer Si 3" Prime
UNF - Wafer Si 3" Double Side Polished (DSP
UNF - Wafer Si 2" Type P Highly Doped
UNF - Wafer Si 2" Type N Highly Doped
UNF - Wafer Si 2" Prime
UNF - Wafer Si 2" Double Side Polished (DSP)
UNF - Wafer Si 2" + 200nm SiO2 front side only
UNF - Wafer Si 2" + 100nm SiO2 front side only
UNF - Wafer Si 2" + 100nm SiO2 both sides
UNF - Wafer Si 2" + 100 nm Thermal Oxide (UNF)
UNF - Wafer Si 2" + 1µm SiO2 both sides
UNF - Wafer Sapphire 4"
UNF - Wafer Fused Silica (Quartz) 2", SSP
UNF -Tweezers ORSA
UNF -Tweezers NKR
UNF - Tweezers KR
UNF - Tweezers K35A
UNF -Tweezers K2A
UNF -Tweezers FSA
UNF -Tweezers 4ASAR
UNF -Tweezers 42LB4SA
UNF - Tweezers 37S3SA
UNF -Tweezers 35ASA
UNF -Tweezers 321RSA
UNF -Tweezers 2ASAR
UNF - Tweezers 2ASA
UNF - Tungsten Boat for thermal evaporation
UNF - Tungsten Boat + Al2O3 for thermal evaporation
UNF - Teflon Holder Samples for Lithography
UNF - Shipping Box for Chips
UNF - Shipping Box for 4"x4" Mask (Pozzetta)
UNF - Shipping Box for 4" Wafer
UNF - Shipping Box for 3"x3" Mask (Pozzetta)
UNF - Shipping Box for 3" Wafer
UNF - Shipping Box for 2" Wafer
UNF - RTA Graphite sample Holder
UNF - Nanometer of Pt (evaporating)
UNF - Package DIP 28
UNF - Nanofilm Mask for Laser Writer
UNF - Miscellaneous
UNF - Glass for Mask (4" x 4")
UNF - Glass for Mask (3" x 3")
UNF - Fabmate crucible for e-gun evaporation
UNF - Si die (10mm x 10mm or 20mm x 20mm) clean
UNF - Clean Room Note Book
UNF - Nanometer of Gold (sputtering)
UNF - Nanometer of Gold (evaporation)
Agri - Microplate Reader
Agri - Sonicator
Agri - PBS
Agri - Osmium ampoule
Agri - Fixation ampoule
Agri - CPD
Agri - Carbon coating
Agri - AuPd coating
Agri - Iridium coating
Agri - Consulting
Agri - Report
Agri - ICP-OES-Time
Agri - Training time
Agri - Method development
Agri - 4-1 CRYO-7800
Agri - Corona Ditector
Agri - HPLC
Agri - Ion Chromatograph 250
Agri - Ion Chromatograph 150
Agri - HR-LCMS-Ion Chromatograph
Agri - HR-LCMS 450
Agri - HR-LCMS 375
Agri - Single Qudrupole GC/MS
Agri - Gas Chromatograph
Agri - Digestion in microwave
Agri - Sample preparation
Agri - ICP-OES+sample praperation
Agri - ICP-MS+sample praperation
Agri - Sample preparation 100
Agri - Sample preparation 60
Agri - Conductivity
Agri - TGA
Agri - Turbidimeter
Agri - Elemental Analyzer
Agri - TOC
Agri - FTIR-Sample preparation
Agri - Water
Agri - liquid nitrogen
LifeScs - Chip for SPR
LifeScs - UltaPure Water
LifeScs - Tubes for Electroporation
LifeScs - Tubes for Ultracentrifuge
ND1000 - nanodrop
One C - NanoDrop
MicroScale Thermophoresis (MST) - Monolith NT.115
AGRI-1-6- Fluorometer Cary Eclipse, with polarized light accessory
AGRI-1-3-FTIR Nicolet 6700 with ATR and DRIFT accessories
AGRI-4-10-Ultra microtom
AGRI-1-2-UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
AGRI-1-10-Surface analyzer
AGRI-4-6-FACSMelody Cell Sorter
AGRI-4-7-Accuri C6 Plus Cell Analyzer
AGRI-4-5-Nikon Microscope/Binocular
AGRI-4-4 EVOS FL Auto - inverted microscope
AGRI-4-2- JEOL JSM-IT100 - HV/LV filament SEM
AGRI-4-1-JEOL JSM-7800f - HR-SEM
AGRI-4-3-Leica SP8 Lightning Confocal with climate incubator
AGRI-1-1- Particle (ZETA) Sizer
Mbraun Glove Box System
AML Wafer Bonding System
K&S Ball Wire Bonding
K&S Wedge Wire Bonding
ADT 7100 Dicing System
Tube Furnaces
RTA Annealsys System
ALD System
Corial ICP/RIE system
Oxford PECVD Plasma Lab 100
Oxford ICP/RIE Plasma Lab 100
AJA Sputtering System
FHR Sputtering System
Angstrom Quantum Series Evaporator
VST Glove Box Evaporator
VST Evaporator
Vacuum Oven
Plasma Asher Harrick
Plasma Asher Dienner
Polymers Work Bench
Electroplating Hood
EDC Spinner Hood
Acids Hood
Hall Effect System
Probe Station
Dektak 150
Profilometer Dektak XT
Optical Profilometer
Development Bench
Delta 8 Spinner Bench
Spin Coating Bench
Plasma Stripper
Laser Writer
Mask Aligner
Simulation Station - Beamer
Benchtop SEM Hitachi
E-beam development Bench
Elionix System
Clean Room
Raman Spectroscopy
TEM 120 KeV
Cryo SEM
Analytical HR SEM
Sonicator (probe) - Sonics Vibra cell
Phosphor-Imager Typhoon - GE
Plate reader Synergy H1 - Boitek - 2
LCMS - Q Exactive Plus-2
Scitilation Counter-Tri-carb 2900 TR - PE
Lyophilizer Epsilon 2-4LSC - Christ -1
Lyophilizer-SpeedVac - Savant
Lyophilizer Heto Drywinner3 - Heto
Centrifuge - Lynx6000 - Thermo
Centrifuge - RC-5C (4) + - Sorvall - SLA3000
Centrifuge - RC-5C+ (3) - Sorvall
Centrifuge - RC-5C+ (2) - Sorvall - F13 (50ml conical Tubes)
Centrifuge - RC-5C+ (1) - Sorvall - SAL1500
Ultracentrifuge - XE 90 - Beckman
Ultracentrifuge - L8-70M(4) - Beckman
Ultracentrifuge - L8-70M(3) - Beckman
Ultracentrifuge - L8-70M(2) - Beckman
Ultracentrifuge - L8-70M(1) - Beckman
MiniUltracentrifuge - Optima-MAX-XP - Beckman
MicroPulser Electroporator - BioRad
Cell disrupter (Small Volume)LV1-1 - Microfluidics
Cell disrupter (Medium Volume)EmulsiFlex-C3 - Avestin
Cell disrupter (Large Volume)M110EH1 - Microfluidics
FLow Cytometer - CellStream Analyzer - Merckel
Gel Imager - Fusion FX - Vilber Lumart
Plate reader Synergy H1 - Boitek - 3
Spectrophotometer-Diode Array 8453 | Agilent
OpenSPR - Nicoya
LCMS - Q Exactive HF
LCMS - Q Exactive Plu 1
Master sizer
Karl Fischer titration
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
Cytoflex - Flow Cytometry (FACS)
ChemiDoc reader Bio-Rad
Laser scanner Typhoon
Large Volume Centrifuge - Hitachi
Chilled Centrifuge-Eppendorf 5810 R
Spectrophotometer UV/VIS
Plate Reader
Material testing machine
Freeze Dryer
Leophilizer Labconco
Confocal Microscope
Agilent GC MS
Sciex 6500
Sciex 5500
Waters Xevo TQ-S Cronos
NanoDrop™ 2000/2000c Spectrophotometers
Agilent - Diode Array 8453
FACS - Aria III Sorter - BD
Lior Golgher
Expertise Centers of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences
Head of ELSC Core Microscopy Unit
Edmond J. Safra