Spin Coating Bench
Delta 8 Spinner Bench, PVPlast Ltd. Custom Made
The Spin Coating Bench is a device used to apply a thin, uniform layer of liquid material onto a surface, typically for patterning or coating purposes. It operates on the principle of rapidly rotating the substrate, causing the liquid material to spread evenly across the surface. This process is commonly used for creating ultra-thin films, which are essential in industries such as semiconductors and photovoltaics.The machine is typically equipped with a speed control system that allows precise regulation of the rotation speed, thus controlling the thickness of the resulting layer. Common liquid materials used in spin coating include polymers, acids, silicones, and various chemical solutions. The coatings created through this process are used in applications like circuit printing, microfabrication, and the deposition of magnetic films.
Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)
Nano Center
- Golan Tanami
- golant@savion.huji.ac.il