Prusa XL- 5 tools FFF 3D printer
The Prusa XL 3D printer at the ELSC laboratory offers advanced capabilities for printing large, complex models and supports multi-material printing with its five-tool system. Its larger build volume allows for the creation of detailed 3D models of brain structures and neural systems, essential for experiments requiring large or multiple parts. The ability to print with various materials simultaneously enables the production of functional prototypes, such as dissolvable support structures or integrated electronic and mechanical components. With high precision and automated calibration, the Prusa XL accelerates the development of custom tools and experimental setups, providing researchers with reliable and efficient support for cutting-edge neuroscience research.
350x350x350 m"m build volume
The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Site
Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)
ELSC Fablab
- Itamar Frachtenberg
- itamar.frachtenberg@mail.huji.ac.il