Prusa MK4- FFF 3D printer
The Prusa MK4 3D printer serves as a central tool for producing customized components and supporting advanced experiments in neuroscience and life sciences research. The printer enables the fabrication of electrode holders, mounts for scientific instruments, and specialized tools for experiments, alongside creating 3D models of brain structures such as the hippocampus and cortex. Additionally, it facilitates the development of laboratory systems for live animals, such as mazes and devices for behavioral studies, as well as printing devices designed for brain-machine interfaces and neural activity measurement. Its advantages, including high precision of up to 0.05 mm, support for a wide range of durable materials, and flexibility for customization through open-source software, make it ideal for designing and developing tailored solutions for research needs. The printer also features automatic calibration, reducing errors and saving time, providing researchers with a reliable and efficient tool for implementing innovative ideas and supporting advanced research in the laboratory.
240 x 200 x 210 mm build volume.
The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Site
Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)
ELSC Fablab
- Itamar Frachtenberg
- itamar.frachtenberg@mail.huji.ac.il