Gel Imager - Fusion FX - Vilber Lumart

The FUSION FX7 with the DarQ-9 camera is designed for extremely low light imaging. It features a custom-made f/0.70 lens, a scientific-grade CCD sensor, and exceptional cooling capabilities of up to -90°C differential from ambient. With a resolution of 10 megapixels and USB-3 connectivity, it provides high sensitivity imaging under challenging conditions. The built-in software supports a wide range of scientific applications, including gel imaging and fluorescence.In contrast, the FUSION FX6 with the eVo-6 camera focuses on high-resolution imaging suitable for publication. It also features a custom-made f/0.70 lens but offers a higher resolution of 20 megapixels and cooling up to -55°C differential from ambient. Equipped with USB-3 connectivity, this system is ideal for producing detailed, publication-quality images. The software included supports similar applications as the FX7 but is optimized for higher resolution outputs.

The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Science | Site

Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)

LSI - Research Infrastructures Facility (Tzabam)
