Flow Cytometer - Spectral - Aurora -Cytek
The Cytek Aurora is a spectral flow cytometer designed for advanced cell analysis. Key features include:Spectral Technology: Utilizes multiple detectors to capture a broad range of fluorescent signals simultaneously, enhancing multiplexing capabilities.High Resolution: Offers high-resolution detection for precise analysis of complex cellular populations.Flexibility: Accommodates a wide range of fluorescent dyes and panels, allowing for customizable experimental setups.Applications: Ideal for detailed immunophenotyping, cell sorting, and analysis of cellular markers in research and clinical settings.
The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Science | Site
Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)
LSI - Research Infrastructures Facility (Tzabam)
- Rachel Rosen
- rachelr@savion.huji.ac.il