An ellipsometer is a vital tool for surface science, thin film analysis, and material characterization. It measures changes in light polarization upon reflection, providing precise data on film thickness, refractive index, and optical properties. Its non-destructive nature and sub-nanometer sensitivity make it ideal for thin films and multi-layered structures. However, data interpretation can be complex, requiring advanced modeling, and surface contamination may affect accuracy. Despite these challenges, its versatility across various materials makes it invaluable. In my research, ellipsometry has been crucial for optimizing deposition processes and understanding interfaces, often combined with AFM or XPS for comprehensive analysis.
photos by Yoav Dudkevitch
J.A . Woollam | Site
Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)
Nano Center
- Golan Tanami
- golant@savion.huji.ac.il