AGRI-4-4 EVOS FL Auto - inverted microscope
The EVOS FL Auto - Inverted Microscope is an advanced research tool that integrates innovative technologies for imaging, analysis, and real-time monitoring of dynamic biological processes. Its inverted design allows for convenient work with adherent and suspension cell cultures in multi-well plates, petri dishes, and flasks while maintaining sterility and minimizing manipulations that could compromise the sample.
The fluorescence imaging capabilities enable the detection of labeled proteins such as GFP, RFP, and DAPI, investigation of molecular interactions through Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), and real-time structural analysis using Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP). The microscope supports time-lapse imaging, facilitating the study of dynamic processes such as mitosis, apoptosis, cell migration, actin cytoskeleton dynamics, and cell polarization, as well as stem cell differentiation.
With an autofocus system and autotiling capabilities, the microscope enables rapid scanning of large sample areas with automated image analysis, making it ideal for high-content screening (HCS) in toxicology assays and cell culture studies. The ability to capture high-resolution images and videos, combined with multichannel imaging, allows for co-localization analysis of cellular molecules and precise molecular tracking using single-particle tracking (SPT).
Core Facility of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment | Site
Core Facility of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
- Orit Gal
- oritg@savion.huji.ac.il