DLS - Zetasizer Advance Series
Light scattering is a fundamental analytical technique for the characterization of particulate materials, and is most commonly applied to colloidal systems, nanoparticles and macromolecules in solution or dispersion, to determine particlesize, molecular weight, or electrophoretic mobility. Different methods of light scattering analysis provide a range of usefulinformation about your samples:
• Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) measures the size and size distribution of molecules and particles
• Electrophoretic Light Scattering (ELS) measures the electrophoretic mobility of particles ormolecules in dispersion or solution – this is often converted to a ‘zeta potential’
This data is often critical for establishing and optimizing sample integrity and stability, including the detection of aggregatesor agglomerates. Routine use of light scattering analysis helps speed formulation development, gives greater insight intostability assessments, and helps elucidate and solve product and process challenges.
Zetasizer | Site
Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)
Nano Center
- Golan Tanami
- golant@savion.huji.ac.il