TEM 120 KeV
allows full range of TEM analysis (imaging and diffraction) with the resolution of about 0.34 nm. The microscope is equipped with the superior high sensitive 4K FEI Eagle CCD camera which being combined with mild accelerating voltage enables TEM analysis of beam-sensitive materials like polymers, organic compounds, materials with low electron density. Also, the morphology and the crystallography of metals, ceramics, semiconductors, multi-layers, composite materials and biomaterials at the nanometer scale range could be obtained. The T12 microscope also operates in Cryo-mode and is also equipped with the hardware for automated TEM tomography acquisition.
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Site
Edmond J. Safra (Givat-Ram)
Nano Center
- Inna Popov
- innap@savion.huji.ac.il